
Hi everyone!

I created kaycoles to hopefully inspire and share my style, beauty tips, reviews and tidbits of my life, all while being on a budget!


1. I currently work full time as a wedding coordinator and decorator - in training. I love weddings, and I love the whole planning aspect of it, and let me tell you, this job is very rewarding seeing the bride and groom's magical day come to life!

2. I am currently dating the most incredible guy, Jonny! We met working together at Starbucks, and have been together for over two years.

3. I love to redecorate and do it yourself projects - both my Pinterest boards and I are very excited to move out and decorate!

4. I have a slight obsession with designer purses - you will never see me walking around without one.

5. I also have a problem with making lists - I always have a million lists happening at once, and post-its all over my computer screen.

6. Blogging has been something I have always wanted to do, and I have finally taken the bulled and started one! I'd love to connect with all of you and hear your feedback and comments! Feel free to send me an email at thekaycoles@gmail.com

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